That’s a question without a really absolute answer for me, but I will write someone things about me. My name its Leonardo José Quintero, my parents chose the name José because I could possible not born, Thanks God I was a healthy little boy, I was an eight months baby I born in Cali, at the age of 3 years old I went away to live in Palmira, in the school I was an excellent student and when I finish my school I did it well in the “icfes” test. Now I’m 20 years old I studies industrial engineering this is my 7th semester in this. I’m sociable, serious and dynamic person y love to travel; I can just take my car and go driving by new roads, I love to disconnect from capitalism world and take care of people in a special community, I love to serve.
In everything love and serve

16 de agosto de 2010


His name I s David, I forgot his last name, I think that’s because we loss contact 12 years ago, I don’t know when we met each other, I know him since I got memory, he still living next door to the house when I grew up, I moved away to another city, I now remember when we used to play in his backyard, it was a really big place there his family got an avocado tree, a guayaba tree, palms and many more trees which we loved to climbing. Our houses were too big like 200 meters long so we can go bicycle since the entrance door to the backyard. Most of days his grandma take care of David’s cousins they were 4 Laura was the older she was 3 months older than me, an David was the younger of the group he was 8 when I was 9. With this group we enjoyed to play hide and seek in that big house, even we play in both houses because the wall which divide the two houses (David’s and mines) wasn’t too high so we climbed. Other days, homework’s’ appears, so we studied together and help each other. It was fun because Laura and I challenge in math Laura were in the same curse but not in the same school. Those lovely times I enjoy remembering.


That’s a question without a really absolute answer for me, but I will write someone things about me. My name its Leonardo José Quintero, my parents chose the name José because I could possible not born, Thanks God I was a healthy little boy, I was an eight months baby I born in Cali, at the age of 3 years old I went away to live in Palmira, in the school I was an excellent student and when I finish my school I did it well in the “icfes” test. Now I’m 20 years old I studies industrial engineering this is my 7th semester in this. I’m sociable, serious and dynamic person y love to travel; I can just take my car and go driving by new roads, I love to disconnect from capitalism world and take care of people in a special community, I love to serve.
In everything love and serve!